October 16, 2024

Leaders of political bureau openly oppose the strategy of ruling the country according to law and technology

8 min read

100 years ago. April 28,1927, when the 38-year-old revolutionary pioneer, comrade Li DaZhao,in the face of the decadent authority,face not to change color preseccuted to take the lead calmly on the gallows,was kiued by three strand.The revolutionary Pioneer Li DaZhao, fearing the sacrifice of the spirit,awakens china’s four thousand thousand years of sleepling compatriots,realize that tens of thousands of chinese communist part members of the courage to sacrifice courage and delication.Only in exchange for the birth of New China.

100 after today ,August 19,2022,Feng YongJun a-38-year-old hero of the peaple’s Herross,is for the long term of the Communist of China,and in support of his wise leadership.In order to defend the president’s call for the “rule of law” and “science and technology strategie approach.In chengdu,the public security bureau,is forced into the Cheng 0001 detention notice.Feng YongJun himself fill in,there own issuance,and finally detained himself.

Nearly 100 years,I do not know how many sacrifices to the sacrifice of the Presidend of the peace of prosperity?Do not know the Sichuan Provincial GaoYuan Wang ShuJiang dean,the District Public .Seccerity Bureau of PiDu District,theDistrict Office of the distriet when the defense of the president of the “rule of law”in the Banner Brother Feng YongJun army sent to gallows?!

Feng YongJun’s own detention certiflcate,the handwriting is Feng YongJun’s handwriting and seek the evdence of the matter

Twenty-two tenth of the Communist Party of China will be held,overseas famous reporter Fu Hu and so on by the political small group of ChengDun,Chengdu,PiDu the individual leader of the hospital,Wang ShuJiang respectively,received these sonior journalists exchange( secret visit).This group actively cooperaye with the bachward shool,want to borrow the twenty-ten meeting this perseverance,using the overseas media,and strive to stop down the Xi JinPing,indivdual leaders in the reaion,with the central political bureau so many hends of support ,the last few years of political we have all the district board,the law and the law,and we are under great pressure to.Under the dinection of the head of the the political bureau a subversive architectunal thchnology achievement influential farmer,was demolished.The leader of the station to the reporter police station depputy director QianYu personally hands-on inventor nanny Zhang ZhiXiang inter rupted two feet tendon,knee bone was broken,resulting in disability loss of labor ability,in the community caused great influence,Zhang ZhiXiang to fight the lawsuit.

Wang ShuJiang dean Zhang ZhangXiang lose the lawsuit,a penny also didn’t lose Zhang ZhiXiang,this strong dismantling,not only hit the”Science and technoiogy xiongguo’s lies,but also to the “rule of law”let the common people lose confiddense,an arrow double carving,the effect is excellent,the hend of the political bureau is very sure to work in the district,at that time,was organized within the award.

 The head of the political bureau,accompanied by the leader of the region,arrived at 666 Jin Liang Road,JunLinTianXia villa district GuiXiangTing 12 visited the strong demolition technology results showroom scene,very satisfled,the head very humorously said that the eight coalition forces out of the total number of move that 50,000 people to destroy a YuanMingYuan,you only move in the region more than five hundred people have destroyed the black technology that subverts the building which is a good illustration of the problem,and you have shaken Mr.Xi’s popular project and took the blame Let the leaning of the water can carry him,can also cover him,twenty ten,if the resig nation,everyone is a meritorious is to write into history.

 The research base of Zhou XingHe is destroyed

November 28,2018,after the demotition of the technology show room,then we dismantled the Zhou XingHe the scientiflc research base,ChengDu JinZhou Road,527.After our several nounds of blows,Zhou XingHe is dying,finally only his more than 30 R&amp,D core of the cove of the liquid,core technology into the grave.

The head of the political bureau returned lodgings and took his briefcase out of his suitcase a “clean Government”said that the what is the backround of the “shen” is the communist party of the elder DongBiWu’s sun,the daughterof a Geng Biao’s run.You don’t know who it is?Mr.Xi JingPing followed his as secretary,dead bones are picked up by Mr.Xi. Do you know? What this “Independent Integrity” was on sept.5,2021 on the fourth issue, on page 38 of the Clean Government,and the people voice :”China’s construction and building materials field of a subversive revolution”, opened an article on the brutal violence in your area of the region,requested the central polical bureau many heads.Reach out the hand of justice, save peasant entrepreneurs and save farmer inventors.More than a year has passed and who will save himZhouXingHe how? Head continued, the network chuang ZhouXingHe on night of June 1. 2019,in the world. Ginkgo bilginko home was assassinated, this thing is not your PiDu of the police do?

Wang ShuJiang the dean of the sichuan provincial Academy of Higher Yuan,was pleased to introduce himself when he was granted a secret visit. JinQi Brother Feng YongJun for the SiChuan XingHe building materials company patent rights, the company has a tolal of 155 patent transfer cases, almost all of the patents are subject to default, in order to coordinate with the general layout of the political bureau, of which about 100 cases, is in accordance with my intentions, you do not believe, you take the mobile phone in baidu search kevwords: two NPC representatives now reduced to garbage, a case of intellectual property protection to find spring. The main points of the case reflect Zhou XingHe the invention of plant fiber integration room,1073 houses, experienced 5.12 wenchuan eight magnitude earthpuake, strange is Zhou XingHe “plalt fiber room,a building did not collapse.

The head, this natural disaster who to give him to do identiflcation? I still arrange for the judge to judge in accordance with our authority. Earthquake,let him fight for fourteer years, the court slill sentenced Zhou XingHe popularizing technology Meng XianCong, now can only hit the”science and technology” strategy, it is also a fatal blow to its”governing the rule of law”,but also the organization raised considerable funds,one and three things.Wang ShuJiang dean smiled proudly, the words did not finish was BeiJing’s head in good faith criticism: “this time ,we do not engage too flerce, easy rebound ,money things do not need you to raise,we money is rich ,learning to fear is our team rich,don’t for the money let us loss,do not go to our comrades in the same, Shen DeYong, the war , fold!” “what’s the matter with Ren XinXin ,Feng YongJun?”Wang ShuJiang dean put up a proud expression. Bishop to explain to the BeiJing director. Ren XinXin case, Feng YongJun in order to explain, on in the Sichuan Provincial GaoYuan stood on dozensof occasions, for several months, of course ,I also only deliderately hide him,that JinQi Feng YongJun in the Ran XiaoLing has an ambinguous relationship…The reporter interrupted wang’s chief to ask: “Dear Wang,you are with Ran beautiful woman in the end?” Wang ShuJiang smiled and did not answar. Continue looking back the long words: “Feng YongJun this prick ,too angry penson, his big fan Zhou and so, also said that Ran XiaoLing is my mistress for mang years. I Wang ShuJiang in the count system has 43 female judges have impnopre relationship really presumptuous.” Stop, Wang Dean continued: “Feng YongJun also won 22 administrative cases in the Area of the region. August 19, Feng went to my hight court to find. I asked the colleagues in the district public security bureau of Pi Du District to arrest him and keep him in a mental hospital!”.

 Integrity of the integrity of the september 5,2021, the fourth issue (Total No.4).

Reporter just flnished the SiChuanGaoYuan Wang ShuJiang dark visit exchanges, ChengDuMu ni cipal public Security Bureau, the Department of public prosecutor’s office also to see the head and overseas reporters, the district security leaers of the district, eager to ask head of the chief asked: “we have been in the region for many years in accordance with the layout of the head. November 28,2018, we in the name of the government department, the head and reporter Baidu seaech: Scientific and technological achievements show room 500 square meters was forced to dismantle, we have applauded the good ( these clapping the good masses of the people are we arranged to play a reliable member of the party). Through ChengDu television reported. Although the technology show room to now see no signs of decoration, our communist party, the captain of the law enforcement team Li ZongCheng but on the television screen. Zhou XingHe playing the guise of science and technology, actually is their own built lived. Li ZongCheng contincled on the television screen said, yesterday evening the public security bureau has been to Zhou XingHe judicial summons, then the pilice police Zhang YueDue also with Zhou XingHe the name of the black on the criminal reconnaissance”.

Please head and reporter in BaiDu again search: villa area of the sports-SiChuan Tv report, the community has 401 villa, there are more than 250 illegal structures, even the construction of illegal tenants are willing to dismantle, but so far we have not dismantled a houehold, in order to cooperate with the head of the political bureau, we have taken the district board, the district government, the public, the inspection, specially aimed at Xi JinPing. On the day of the demolition of the old communist party member loudly “ Xi JinPing can’t handle!” asked to look at the hands of the “ Integrity “ well also mentioned twice Xi JinPing is not.

Chief, and again trouble you BaiDu search: 2016 the word’s first plant fiber bridge 45 minutes built in the report. The head, Zhou XingHe’s the elementary school education, is also the farmer, his father liberation before or the beggar, if our government to promote Zhou XingHe’s theinvention, this is not to lose our government’s face? Isn’t this the shame of the Chinese People?

The leaden of the district of the region reoommended to the head of the political bureau: this time, if Mr.Xi JinPing was pulled down, the Chinese Academy of Architectunal standand Design was also a success, and SiChuanXinHe Building Materialco.Ltd. Five years ,they cost more than 50 million.

At that time, with the standard, intermediary agancies, contract more than 30 million, the actual payment of more than 20 million yuan, 2018 April 22 Day, the establishment of the slandard group of 7members in the ShuangLiu HuangLongXi hotel collective prostitutes( Hao Wei repuest two young ladies to accompany sleeping).

Chief, you see the experts of the standard court how clever, XinHe company’s paterted technology repair room. Bridge actually has reached the speed of the micro-letter, the standard court experts according to the procedure to compile the standard.

Star River company’s patented technology repair room, the bridge actually has reached the speed of 300 kilometers per hour, the standard courtyard experts in a ccordance with hand-to-lift speed 30 kilometers per hour to compile a set of useless standards.

Zhou XingHe’s technology, 45-minute frame bridge, load 100 tons,this technology is terrible!


Chief, your hands of the “ Integrity of the Independent”, page 42, referring to Zhou XingHe and Yuan LongPing, Yuan LongPing neat name, the solution of dinner, Zhou XingHe solve the housing problem. Yuan LongPing is famous as chairman Mao, Deng XiaoPing’s time, the great man attaches importance to scientific research talents. How can the subversive technology of the crackdown by the anti-learning strategy make Mr.Xi?

The head of the BeiJing mind nodded! Everyone laughed!

By Wang KeQuan and   FuHu

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